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Create group employees

Creating groups of employees

Method create.group_employees
Description Creating groups of employees
Who has access Agent, Customer

Parameters of a request

Title Type Required Valid value Descriprion
access_token string yes Authentication session key
user_id number no Unique user ID of a customer or an agent who makes request.
Is mandatory for an agent
To get a list of customer users use the method "get.customer_users"
name string yes Group name
List of employees in a group
members array no List of unique IDs of employees, that belong to a group
Group extension number settings
group_phone_number string no Maximum length 5 Group extension number
Depends on the component "va"
queue_enabled boolean no Default value is "false". In case all the numbers, attributed to a group, are busy, a caller can get in line for a redial to phone numbers in a list. Than, he or she will wait for the first number to become available.
Depends on the component "va"
channels_count number no From 1 to 199 Default value is 1.
Number of simultaneous channels when dialing
Depends on the component "va"

Parameters of a reply

Title Type Required Description
id number yes Group inique ID

JSON request structure


JSON reply structure


List of returning errors

Refer to "List of errors for methods with the verb create"