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Delete campaigns

Deleting advertising campaigns

Method delete.campaigns
Description Deleting advertising campaigns
Who has access Agent , Customer

Parameters of a request

Title Type Required Description
access_token string yes Authentication session key
id number yes Unique ID of an advertising campaign
user_id number no Unique user ID of a customer or an agent that makes a request.
Is mandatory for agent
To get a list of a customer's users you need to use the method "get.customer_users"
It is forbidden to delete system advertising campaigns id = -1 neither the integrated ones type = integrated. An error with mnemonics "forbidden" will return.

JSON request structure


JSON reply structure

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "number",
  "result": {
    "data": {

    "metadata": {


List of returning errors

Refer to "List of errors for methods with the verb delete"