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Ad Campaigns Daily Reports

Method get.campaign_daily_stat
Description Getting advertising campaign daily statistics
Who has access Agent, Customer

Parameters of a request

Title Type Required Valid values Description
limit number no Number of returning entries. Refer to "Paging"
offset number no Offset that defines from which entry number to return the "limit" of entries. Default value is "0". Refer to the section "Paging"
filter object no Refer to "Filters"
fields array no Refer to "Viewing returning data"
sort array no Refer to "Data sorting"
date_from iso8601 yes YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Date when selection started (limit of 90 days, same as in standard report methods)
date_till iso8601 yes YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Date when selection ended
site_id number yes Website ID in the CallGear system

Reply parameters

Title Type Value values Filtering Sorting Reply by default Description
date iso8601 YYYY-MM-DD yes yes yes The day for which statistics are given, ISO
site_id number
yes Website ID in the CallGear system
site_domain_name string
yes Website domain name
campaign_id number
yes yes yes Advertising campaign ID in the CallGear system
campaign_name string
yes Advertising campaign name


yes yes yes External ID of an advertising campaign


yes yes yes External advertising campaign's name
engine enum
google.adwords, facebook

yes Advertising campaign system
banner_group_id string

yes yes Ads group ID in the advertising system
banner_group_name string

yes Ads group name in the advertising system
keyword_id string

yes yes Key word ID in the advertising system
keyword string

yes Key word
cost_sum string

yes Daily costs per channel in the currency of the advertising system
shows_count number

yes Daily shows count per channel
clicks_count number

yes Daily clicks count per ad
chats_count number

Daily chats count per advertising campaign
calls_count number

Daily calls count per advertising campaign
goals_count number

Daily goals count per advertising campaign
offline_messages_count number

Daily requests from a website count per advertising campaign
current_banner_id number

yes yes Current ad ID in the advertising system
old_banner_ids array

Previous ad IDs in the advertising system
visits_count number

Daily visits count
current_banner_name string

yes Current banner name in the advertising system
daily_budget number

yes Daily budget
weekly_budget number

yes Weekly budget
currency enum

yes Currency
session_ids array

List of session ids for the advertising campaign per day
List of inquiries
communications array

List of inquiries from the advertising campaign per day
communication_type string

Communication type
communication_id number

Communication id
attributes array

Communication attributes
tags array

Communication tags
tag_id number

Tag unique ID
tag_name string

Tag name
tag_type enum auto, manual

Tag type
tag_change_time iso8601 YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Tag change date and time
tag_user_id number

Unique ID of a user who used a tag
tag_user_login string

Login of a user who used a tag
tag_employee_id number

Unique ID of an employee who used a tag
tag_employee_full_name string

Full name of an employee who used a tag

##JSON request structure

  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get.campaign_daily_stat",
  "params": {
    "access_token": "string",
    "user_id": "number",
    "offset": "number",
    "limit": "number",
    "date_from": "iso8601",
    "date_till": "iso8601",
    "site_id" : "number",
    "filter": {},
    "sort": [
        "field": "string",
        "order": "string"
    "fields": [

JSON reply structure

    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "date": "iso8601",
            "site_id": "number",
            "site_domain_name": "string",
            "campain_id": "number",
            "campaign_name": "string",
            "campaign_ext_id": "number",
            "campaign_ext_name": "string",
            "engine": "enum",
            "banner_group_id": "number",
            "banner_group_name": "string",
            "keyword_id": "string",
            "keyword": "string",
            "banner_id": "number",
            "banner_name": "string",
            "old_banner_ids": [
            "cost_sum": "string",
            "shows_count": "number",
            "clicks_count": "number",
            "calls_count": "number",
            "chats_count": "number",
            "goals_count": "number",
            "offline_messages_count": "number",
            "session_ids": [
            "daily_budget": "number",
            "communications": [
                    "communication_type": "string",
                    "communication_id": "number",
                    "attributes": [
                    "tags": [
                            "tag_id": "number",
                            "tag_name": "string",
                            "tag_type": "enum",
                            "tag_change_time": "iso8601",
                            "tag_user_id": "number",
                            "tag_user_login": "string",
                            "tag_employee_id": "number",
                            "tag_employee_full": "string"

List of returning errors

Refer to "List of errors for methods with the verb get"