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Create contacts

Adding contacts to address book

Method create.contacts
Description Adding contacts to address book
Who has access Agent, Customer

Parameters of request

Title Type Required Valid value Description
access_token string yes Authentication session key
user_id number no Unique user ID of a customer or an agent who makes request.
Is mandatory for the agent
To access a list of customer users you need to use the method "get.customer_users"
first_name string no Contact first name
last_name string yes Contact last name
patronymic string no Contact patronymic name
emails array no Maximum 10 addresses Contact email.
E-mail should be unique for a list.
phone_numbers array yes Maximum 10 addresses List of contact numbers in the format E164
Number should be unique for a list.
personal_manager_id number no Personal manager is an employee, responsible for customer relations. When you create a scenario "Redirection to a personal manager" calls from customers will reach personal managers without any additional settings of a calling subscriber's phone numbers list or employees phone numbers list. To get a list of employees use the method "get.employees"
organization_id number no Unique ID of an organization. To get a list of organizations use the method "get.contact_organizations".
groups array no For a List of unique group IDs a contact belongs to refer to the method "get.group_contacts"

Parameters of reply

Title Type Required Description
id number yes Unique ID of a contact in address book

JSON request structure


JSON reply structure


List of returning errors

Refer to "List of errors for methods with the verb create"