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Uploading calls and conversations

Parameter Value
Components necessary to work with the method "Data API for settings", "Uploading calls from an outside system"
Components required to work with files in the format wav "Voice analysis of calls"
Weight of the method 5 points
Maximum number of calls per request 500
Maximum JSON size 512 K
IP address of a server, you need to have access to in order to upload files
Method upload.calls
Description Uploading calls and conversations for voice or end-to-end analysis
Who has access Agent, Customer

Parameters of a request

Title Type Required Valid value Description
access_token string yes Authentication session key
user_id number no Unique user ID of a customer or an agent who makes request.
Is mandatory for an agent
To get a list of customer users you need to use the method "get.customer_users"
ext_id string yes Unique ID of a call in your system.
Duplicates are dropped out as calls are uploaded into a data base
direction enum no
  • in - incoming call
  • out - outgoing call
  • Direction of a call
    Default value is 'in'
    calling_phone_number string yes E164 Caller's phone number
    called_phone_number string yes E164 A dialed number
    start_time iso8601 yes YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Date and time of a call session's start
    Data will be corrected with consideration of a time zone set in your client area.
    finish_time iso8601 yes YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Completion time of a call session. Can't be earlier than start_time
    Data will be corrected with consideration of a time zone set in your client area.
    is_lost boolean yes Defines whether a call is lost or successful
    is_transfer boolean no Default value is `false`. Defines whether transfer occured or not
    Order for employees communications is set in the parameters wav_records and mp3_records
    wait_duration number no Waiting time for a subscriber before he or she talks to an employee. Value is in seconds.
    talk_duration number no Conversation time - a time period from the first call of a subsriber to termination of a call with the last employee. Value is in seconds
    visitor_session_id number no Unique ID of a visitor session from CallGear. The parameter is required if you need to analyze an advertising campaign.
    campaign_id number no Unique ID of an advertising campaign in CallGear.
    Parameter should be ignored, if the parameter visitor_session_id is filled in
    site_id number no Unique website ID in CallGear
    Parameter should be ignored if the parameter visitor_session_id is filled in or the parameter called_phone_number belongs to another website.
    comment string no Comment to a call. Can contain name of a service or a form that generated a call.
    Notification about call processing
    callback object no Notification about call processing
    JSON notification format
    url string yes http/https address a notification about successful call processing will be sent to.
    events array yes
  • processed - call is successfully processed
  • in_process - call is in progress
  • error - call processing error
  • What notifications about call processing you should get
    Call tags
    tags array no Call tags
    tag_id number no Unique call tag ID in CallGear
    tag_name string yes Tag name.
    You can search tags by their name in the system. If you don't find the one you need, you can create it and use it for a call. If you succesfully found it, just use it for a call. Search is case sensitive. To apply the tag "Sales" use the method "set.tag_sales" This should be ignored if the tag_id
    is filled in
    Conversation files for voice analysis
    wav_records array no Conversation files for voice analysis
    You can transmit them only if the component "Voice analysis of calls" is active. Wav files automatically convert to mp3 records that you can listen to in your client area.
    employee_id number no Unique ID of an employee in CallGear
    employee_name string yes Name of an employee (full name)
    You can search for an employee in the system by his or hers full name. If you don't find them you can create them and connect them to a call. Search is not case sensitive. This should be ignored if employee_id is filled in
    employee_channel enum yes
  • left
  • - left channel
  • right
  • - right channel
    Defines which channel an employee use.
    Values are only left or right
    record_url string yes Address you can go to to download conversation files. Wait for https only.
    You can listen to conversation files in your client area
    mp3_records array no You can listen to conversation files in your client area.
    It's forbidden to transmit them if the parameter wav_records is filled in
    employee_name string no Employee's full name,
    You can search for an employee in the system by his or hers full name. If you don't find them you can create them and connect them to a call. Search is not case sensitive. This should be ignored if employee_id is filled in
    employee_id number no Employee's unique ID in the CallGear system
    record_url string yes Address you can go to to download conversation files.

    Parameters of a reply

    Title Type Required Description

    Parameters of a notification about processing status

    Title Type Required Valid value Description
    status enum yes
  • processed - processed
  • in_process - in process
  • error - processing error
  • Processing error of an uploaded file
    ext_id string yes Unique call ID in your system
    call_session_id number no Unique ID of a call session in CallGear (refer to the method get.calls_report)
    timestamp number yes Time zone for event generation is UTC GMT+00:00
    error_message string no Error message. Should be filled in, if the parameter status has value "error"
    error_code enum no Error mnemonics. Should be filled in, if the parameter status has value "error"

    Requirements to wav files for voice analysis

  • Call recording in stereo mode with two audio channels: employee's voice in one of the channels, customer's voice in the other.
  • PCM-16 bit
  • Sampling rate: 8000 hz
  • Frequency range not worse than 330-3400 hz;
  • Signal-to-noise ratio at frequency range 330-3400 hz: not less than 15 dB;
  • Minimum duration of a voice signal is 16 seconds;
  • File size not more than 50Mb
  • ### Requirements to a service, that will distribute conversations recordings when they are uploaded via given URL - Reply to a request for uploading wav files should have title Content-Type: audio/wav - Reply to a request for uploading mp3 files should have title Content-Type: audio/mpeg ### JSON request structure
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "number",
      "method": "upload.calls",
      "params": {
        "access_token": "string",
        "user_id": "number",
        "calls": [
            "callback": {
              "url": "string",
              "events": [
            "ext_id": "string",
            "direction": "enum",
            "calling_phone_number": "string",
            "called_phone_number": "string",
            "start_time": "iso8601",
            "finish_time": "iso8601",
            "is_lost": "boolean",
            "is_transfer": "boolean",
            "visitor_session_id": "number",
            "site_id": "number",
            "campaign_id": "number",
            "wait_duration": "number",
            "talk_duration": "number",
            "comment": "string",
            "tags": [
                "tag_id": "number",
                "tag_name": "string"
            "wav_records": [
                "employee_channel": "enum",
                "employee_name": "string",
                "employee_id": "number",
                "record_url": "string"
            "mp3_records": [
                "employee_name": "string",
                "employee_id": "number",
                "record_url": "string"
    ### JSON reply structure
    You get a reply as soon as the system saves calls for further processing. As processing is finished, a web-hook with processing status will be ready.
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "number",
      "result": {
      "data": {
          "success": "true"
    ### JSON structure about processing status
      "ext_id": "string",
      "call_session_id": "number",
      "status": "enum",
      "timestamp": "number",
      "error_message": "string",
      "error_code": "enum"
    ### Example for a voice analysis, uploading a subscriber's call with several employees in one wav-file Customer uploads a call that includes a transfer and conversations with various employees.
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "number",
      "method": "upload.calls",
      "params": {
        "access_token": "string",
        "calls": [
            "ext_id": "test1",
            "direction": "in",
            "calling_phone_number": "89262444397",
            "called_phone_number": "84955140576",
            "start_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:00",
            "finish_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:30",
            "is_lost": false,
            "is_transfer": true,
            "wait_duration": 10,
            "talk_duration": 20,
            "tags": [
                "tag_name": "Targer"
                "tag_name": "Test"
            "wav_records": [
                "employee_channel": "left",
                "employee_name": "Ivan Vasil'yevich",
                "record_url": ""
                "employee_channel": "right",
                "employee_name": "Alexander Vasil'yevich",
                "record_url": ""
    ### Example for a voice analysis, uploading a subscriber's call with an employee in one wav-file Customer uploads a call that has a conversation between a subscriber and an employee.
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "number",
      "method": "upload.calls",
      "params": {
        "access_token": "string",
        "calls": [
            "ext_id": "test1",
            "direction": "in",
            "calling_phone_number": "89262444397",
            "called_phone_number": "84955140576",
            "start_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:00",
            "finish_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:30",
            "is_lost": false,
            "wait_duration": 10,
            "talk_duration": 20,
            "tags": [
                "tag_name": "Target"
                "tag_name": "Test"
            "wav_records": [
                "employee_channel": "left",
                "employee_name": "Ivan Vasil'yevich",
                "record_url": ""
    ### Example of end-to-end analysis, uploading calls from an outside call tracking service
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "number",
      "method": "upload.calls",
      "params": {
        "access_token": "string",
        "calls": [
            "ext_id": "test1",
            "direction": "in",
            "calling_phone_number": "89262444397",
            "called_phone_number": "84955140576",
            "start_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:00",
            "finish_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:30",
            "is_lost": false,
            "campaign_id": 435,
            "site_id": 24,
            "tags": [
                "tag_name": "Target"
                "tag_name": "Test"
            "mp3_records": [
                "record_url": ""
    ### Example of end-to-end analysis, uploading calls from a callback form
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "number",
      "method": "upload.calls",
      "params": {
        "access_token": "string",
        "calls": [
            "ext_id": "test1",
            "direction": "in",
            "calling_phone_number": "89262444397",
            "called_phone_number": "84955140576",
            "start_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:00",
            "finish_time": "2019-07-01 12:00:30",
            "is_lost": false,
            "visitor_session_id": 435,
            "tags": [
                "tag_name": "Target"
                "tag_name": "Test"
            "mp3_records": [
                "record_url": ""
    ### Example of a notification about call processing status
      "ext_id": "test1",
      "call_session_id": "1564545",
      "status": "processed",
      "timestamp": "1562156217"
    ### List of returning errors | Parameter | Value | | :-------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | max_file_size_download_error | Exceeded maximum file size. at the moment - 50 MB. | | decode_error | Could not open a conversation file, don't have first bytes in mp3 - ID3 and wav - RIFF files or an error occurred during the decoding process. | | wav_min_duration_processing_error | Downloaded wav file is shorter than 16 seconds. | | wav_channels_processing_error | Downloaded wav file does not have 2 channels. | | wav_processing_error | Error in wav file processing or in decoding a file with the needed parameters. | | connection_download_error | Error while connecting a server. Bad connection. | | http_status_download_error | Server from which you download a file responded at 200. | | http_content_type_download_error | Content-Type does not comply with the specification. | | timeout_download_error | File has been downloading for too long or connection with server took too much time. Maximum time is 30 seconds | Refer to ["List of errors for methods with the verb create"](../